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Sygnały... In English

autor: Tomasz Gałęzia
data powstania: 2008-09-23

Szanowni Sygnaliści, w różnych okolicznościach i dla różnej publiczności zdarza się nam grać. Czasami trzeba opowiedzieć o sygnałach in English lub innych obcych językach. Ostatnio graliśmy na regatach wojskowych CISM w Węgorzewie i trzeba było wyjaśnić kiedy gramy "zbiórkę", a kiedy "Posiłek". Poniżej jest tekst, który może i Wam się przyda.

Pozdrawiam, Tomek



Dear Ladies and Gentleman!

We are the Representative Ensemble of Hunting Signalers from Augustów Forest District and we will be proud to play to you some pieces of hunting music.

In ancient times hunting without horns was almost impossible. The main role of horn signals was the communication among hunters and also between a hunter and his dogs. Signals were played on natural horns of cattle that were quite simple and short.
Later, in 18th century, when “things French” gained great popularity in Poland,  hunters started to use  big, steal horns originating from France. The use of these horn during the Par Force hunting was a must. The natural cattle horns went into regress.
Next step, which brings us to the present times and what we can hear today, was made by the Duke of Pszczyna, John  Henry the 11th. Pszczyna (in German – Pless) is a town in Silesia (today south-western Poland). He was the one, who propagated a small hunting horn – just like the one we have with us today. Due to its small dimensions and good sound, Fürst Pless Horns are today very popular in whole Europe. Generally, Pszczyna is a cradle of Polish hunting culture.
By the way – who can pronounce name of that city – PSZCZYNA?

Now we would like to present several signals, that nowadays are played during hunting. Those signals are divided into three groups: ceremonial signals, organizational signals and solemn signals for the hunted game.

When hunters arrive in the morning to their game district, signalers usually play a ceremonial signal called “The Welcome”.
Next, a briefing begins with a signal “Hunters Rally”. The leader of a hunting party instructs others about a game that they will hunt for, the area of hunting and safety rules. At the end of the briefing signalers play “Call to Hunting  which sounds like this...
The hunt begins.
A group hunting in our country involves two groups: the first one is called “the chasers”. The chasers are unarmed men, formed in of line, whose main role is to make the game move in direction of  the second group –  the lined hunters. The distance between chasers and hunters is usually between 500 m in lowlands up to even 3 km in mountains, and is called a throw.
When chasers and hunters form their lines, the signaler plays first organizational signal “Chasers Forward!” and chasers then start their march towards hunters pushing a game out from the throw.
When chasers’ line approaches to hunters line on distance of 150 m in open area and 100 m in forest, and there is a danger of hurting a chaser by a shot,  the  signaler plays “Shooting forward forbidden” and since this moment hunters may shoot only to game that already crossed their line. And when chasers reach line of hunters– the throw is finished. And you hear “Unload!”. Now we will present the both pieces.
Such a scheme repeats several times daily, in every throw.

But meanwhile, at about midday, there is a time to rest and eat a meal. When signalers play “The Meal” , hunters pull off from their rucksacks home made hams, smoked boar sausages, and also little bit of tinctures for warming up. Lets listen to this signal!

After a meal the hunting continues, and than, after next few throws, finishes. Hunters and chasers meet in one place and the closing ceremony begins. 
By the fire, the game is placed usually on spruce or oak twigs in a special order.  First, comes the great game: red deers – first bulls, next hinds, then calves’, after them sikha deers, then roe deers. Then, black game, the name for the boar.  Then, comes the time for small game – foxes, hares, rabbits. Hunted birds such as ducks, pheasants or hazel hens are at the end.
The signalers play “Hunters Rally”, and when everyone is gathered around the hunted animals, you will hear the “The end of hunting”.
Next, , the signalers play a different solemn signal for each of the hunted species, so called “Farewell to the Forest”.
For example – please listen to a “Red Deer’s Farewell to the Forest”.
Every signal tries to refer to the character of a given animal. Such as “Roe Deer’s Farewell to the Forest” – you can, with the eyes of your imagination, see a roe deer jumping throughout bushes.
Or a Fox’s Farewell to the Forest – listen and try to imagine a fox looking for a mice in the high grass of a meadow.
For a quill – as we call birds -  we have one, common piece: “Feather Farewell to the Forest”
So – for what species of game would you like to hear signal to?
European Bison
Wolf, Lynx
Red Deer
Sikha Deer
Fallow Deer
Roe Deer
Mountain Sheep
Western Capercaillie
Hazel hen
Racoon Dog
Predator (Wildcat, Martens, American Mink)
Beaver - bóbr

After ceremonial paying homage to game, a person who shot the greatest game or the biggest number of animals is being decorated, by the signal called “The King of the hunt”. Next we can hear a “Hunting decoration” that is played for a hunter that during this hunting shot his first game. After that, the ceremony is about to end. Hunting is accomplished, and signalers play ancient, Polish signal “Darz Bór”, what can be translated as thanksgiving for all that Forest gave us today. While the last signal, “Farewell”, sounds, hunters return to their homes.

Thank you for your attention.




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